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Stone age clothes


Stone age people wore animal skins as clothes.



In the old stone age they lived in caves.The trouble was they would have to move to their winter camp when it was starting to get cold.

In modern stone age they had very basic houses.They could lock doors but only from the inside.

Cave paintings

They used cave paintings to tell storys as they couldn't talk or cummunicate.


They ate lots of:nuts,berries,fruit and lots of meat.Men hunted the animals while the ladies got the berries,nuts and fruit while looking after their families cave.

Hunter gatherers

A hunter-gatherer or early human society is one in which most or all food is obtained from wild plants and animals, in contrast to agricultural societies, which rely mainly on domesticated species. Hunting and gathering was humanity's first and most successful adaptation, occupying at least 90 percent of human history, and 10,000 years

2015 speedgrind studios (speedware)

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